邓锋林博士,长期从事棉花纤维起始、禾谷类作物离子胁迫响应的分子机制及改良相关研究。截至目前,在SCI杂志上发表论文50余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者(含共同)身份在Trends in Plant Science, Nature Communications, Plant Physiology, Plant Biotechnology Journal, New Phytologist, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, Plant Cell Physiology, Plant and Soil等高水平杂志上发表论文多篇。截止到2025年2月,论文总引用近2600余次,H-index为26 (Google Scholar);曾获得湖北省优秀博士学位论文奖;现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项;作为主要完成人申请中国及韩国专利4项,2024年7月入选长江大学学科拔尖人才(作物学)。
一、 主要研究领域
1. 作物重金属转运、积累与解毒机制
2. 作物离子胁迫响应的分子机制
3. 基因编辑与绿色营养健康作物种质创制
二、 工作经历
1. 2024.11-至今 长江大学农学院,院长助理
2. 2020.04-至今 长江大学农学院,入选湖北省省级人才(青年)
3. 2019.04-至今 长江大学农学院,高层次引进人才,教授、硕、博导
4. 2018.10-2019.01 西南林业大学,生态与水土保持学院,高层次引进人才
5. 2016.04-2018.04 韩国浦项科技大学,生命科学学院,博士后,合作导师:Youngsook Lee & Won-Yong Song 教授 (研究方向:砷在水稻籽粒中积累机制与改良)
6. 2012.06-2016.03 日本国立冈山大学,资源植物科学研究所,博士后,合作导师:Jian Feng Ma 教授 (研究方向:矿质元素在水稻、大麦籽粒中积累机制与改良)
7. 2012.01-2012.05 华中农业大学,作物遗传改良国家重点实验室棉花组,科研助理
三、 学习经历
1. 2005.09-2011.12 华中农业大学,作物生物技术专业,农学博士, 导师:张献龙 教授 (研究方向:棉花纤维起始与发育的分子机制)
2. 2001.09-2005.06 华中农业大学,农学专业,农学学士
四、 主持的科研项目
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024-2027
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022-2025
3. 湖北省国际会议,主题:植物分子生理与进化,2025
4. 湖北洪山实验室开放课题,2022-2024
5. 河南大学现代农业与生物技术研究院合作课题,2019-2021
6. 亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室开放课题,2020-2021
五、 教学课程
1. 本科生:基因工程、植物营养学、农学专业概论、分子生物学
2. 研究生:现代作物学进展
六、 发表的论文
发表论文总数 |
Nature子刊 |
按中科院SCI期刊分区 |
按影响因子分 |
中文文章 |
1区 |
2区 |
>10 |
5-10 |
56 |
3 |
22 |
20 |
5 |
16 |
3 |
1. Riaz A#, Qin Y#, Zheng Q, Chen X, Jiang W, Riaz B, Xiao N, Wu X, Qiu X, Xu J, Chen G, Chen ZH, Deng F*, Zeng F. * (2024) Cr(VI) behaves differently than Cr(III) in the uptake, translocation and detoxification in rice roots. Science of the Total Environment, 948, 174736. (*Co-corresponding authors) (环境科学与生态学1区TOP期刊,影响因子8.2)
2. Zhang J#, Qin Y#, Chen X, Xiao N, Jiang W, Tang H, Zhou H, Qiu X, Xu J, Zeng F, Chen ZH, Chen G, Deng F*. (2024) The differential partition of copper in cell wall and symplastic space contributes to the natural variation of copper toxicity tolerance in rice. Plant and Soil, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-024-06942-x. (农林科学2区TOP期刊,影响因子3.9)
3. Tong T, Zhang Y, Zhou X, Jiang W, Chen G, Zeng F, Xue D, Chen ZH, Qin Y*, Deng F. * (2024) Molecular and physiological evidence of HvCaLB1 regulates calcium homeostasis and salt tolerance in Barley. Plant Growth Regulation, 104, 455-473. (*Co-corresponding authors) (植物科学3区,影响因子3.5)
4. Ning M#, Liu SJ#, Deng F#, Huang L, Li H, Che J, Yamaji N, Hu F, Lei GJ*. (2023) A vacuolar transporter plays important roles in zinc and cadmium accumulation in rice grain. New Phytologist, 239(5):1919-1934. (#Co-first authors) (植物科学类1区TOP期刊,影响因子9.4)
5. Jiang W#, Deng F#, Babla M#, et al., 2024. Efficient gene editing of a model fern species through gametophyte-based transformation. Plant Physiology, 196: 2346–2361. (#Co-first authors) (植物科学类1区TOP期刊,影响因子6.5)
6. Jiang W, He J, Babla M, Wu T, Tong T, Riaz A, Zeng F, Qin Y, Chen G, Deng F, Chen ZH. (2024) Molecular evolution and interaction of 14-3-3 proteins with H+-ATPases in plant abiotic stresses. Journal of Experimental Botany, 75:689-707. (* Co-corresponding authors) (植物科学类2区,影响因子5.6)
7. Cheng J, Zhang S, Yi Y, Qin Y, Chen ZH, Deng F*, Zeng F*. Hydrogen peroxide reduces root cadmium uptake but facilitates root-to-shoot cadmium translocation in rice through modulating cadmium transporters. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 200:107754. (*Co-corresponding authors) (植物科学类2区,影响因子6.5)
8. Fan X, Tang H, Chen X, Zeng F, Chen G, Chen ZH, Qin Y*, Deng F*. (2023) Allene oxide synthase 1 contributes to limiting grain arsenic accumulation and seedling detoxification in rice. Stress Biology. 3(1):52. (*Co-corresponding authors)
9. Jiang W, Tong T, Li W, Huang Z, Chen G, Zeng F, Riaz A, Amoanimaa-Dede H, Pan R, Zhang W, Deng F*, Chen ZH* (2023) Molecular evolution of plant 14-3-3 proteins and function of Hv14-3-3a in stomatal regulation and drought tolerance. Plant Cell Physiology. 63(12):1857-1872. (* Co-corresponding authors) (植物科学类2区,影响因子4.9)
10. Li L, Zheng Q, Jiang W, Xiao N, Zeng F, Chen G, Mak M, Chen ZH*, Deng F* (2023) Molecular Regulation and Evolution of Cytokinin Signaling in Plant Abiotic Stresses. Plant Cell Physiology. 63(12):1787-1805. (* Co-corresponding authors) (植物科学类2区,影响因子4.9)
11. Deng F#, Zeng F#, Shen Q#, Abbas A, Cheng J, Jiang W, Chen G, Shah AN, Holford P, Tanveer M*, Zhang D*, Chen ZH*. (2022) Molecular evolution and functional modification of plant miRNAs with CRISPR. Trends in Plant Science. 27(9):890-907 (#Co-first authors) (植物科学类1区TOP期刊,影响因子22)
12. Deng F#, Zeng F#, Chen G, Feng X, Riaz A, Wu X, Gao W, Wu F, Holford P, Chen Z-H* (2021) Metalloid Hazards: from plant molecular evolution to mitigation strategies. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 409: 124495 (#Co-first authors) (环境科学类1区TOP期刊,影响因子14.2)
13. Huang XY#, Deng F#, Yamaji N, Pinson SR, Fujii-Kashino M, Danku J, Douglas A, Guerinot ML, Salt DE, Ma JF. (2016) A heavy metal P-type ATPase OsHMA4 prevents copper accumulation in rice grain. Nature Communications, 7:12138. doi: 10.1038/ncomms12138 (#Co-first authors) (综合类1区TOP期刊,影响因子12.1)
14. Deng F, Yamaji N, Ma JF, Lee SK, Jeon JS, Martinoia E, Lee Y, Song WY (2018) Engineering rice with lower grain arsenic. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 16:1691-1699 (植物科学类1区TOP期刊,影响因子6.8)
15. Deng F, Yamaji N, Xia J, Ma JF (2013) A member of heavy metal P-type ATPase OsHMA5 is involved in xylem loading of copper in rice. Plant Physiology, 163: 1353–1362 (植物科学类1区TOP期刊,影响因子为6.9)
16. Deng F, Tu L, Tan J, Li Y, Nie Y and Zhang X (2012) GbPDF1 (Protodermal factor 1) is involved in cotton fiber initiation via the core cis-element HDZIP2ATATHB2. Plant Physiology, 158: 890–904 (植物科学类1区TOP期刊,影响因子6.9)
17. Chen X, Jiang W, Tong T, Chen G, Zeng F, Jang S, Gao W, Li Z, Deng F*, Chen Z-H* (2021) Molecular interaction and evolution of jasmonate signaling with transport and detoxification of heavy metals and metalloids in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 665842 (*Co-corresponding authors) (植物科学类1区,影响因子5.75)
18. Hu B#, Deng F#*, Chen G, Chen X, Gao W, Long L, Xia J, Chen Z-H* (2020) Evolution of abscisic acid signaling for stress responses to toxic metals and metalloids. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020. 11: p. 909. (#Co-first and *Co-corresponding authors) (SCI植物科学类1区,影响因子4.4)
19. Deng F#, Liu X#, Chen Y, Rathinasabapathi B, Rensing C, Chen J, Bi J, Xiang P, Ma, LQ (2020) Aquaporins mediated arsenite transport in plants: Molecular mechanisms and applications in crop improvement. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 50: 1613-1639 (#Co-first authors) (SCI环境科学类1区TOP期刊,影响因子8.3)
20. Deng F, Yu M, Martinoia E, Song WY (2019) Ideal cereals with lower arsenic and cadmium by accurately enhancing vacuolar sequestration capacity. Frontiers in Genetics, 10: 322 (生物类2区,影响因子3.5)
21. 柴梦莹,张艳丽,陈萱,唐海洋,徐志鹏,周慧,曾凡荣,陈光,覃元,邓锋林 (2025)水稻γ-氨基丁酸合成关键基因OsGADs 响应砷毒害分析. 分子 植物育种. https://link.cnki.net/urlid/46.1068.S.20250109.1708.004
1. Yu E, Wang W, Yamaji N, Fukuoka S, Che J, Ueno D, Ando T, Deng F, Hori K, Yano M, Shen RF, Ma JF (2022) Duplication of a manganese/cadmium transporter gene reduces cadmium accumulation in rice grain. Nature Food, 3: 597–607.
2. Wang Y, Chen G, Zeng F,…Deng F,…Chen ZH (2023) Molecular evidence for adaptive evolution of drought tolerance in wild cereals. New Phytologist, 237:497-514.
3. Lei G, Fujii-Kashino M, Wu DZ, Hisano H, Saisho D, Deng F, Yamaji N, Sato, K, Zhao F, Ma JF (2020) Breeding for low cadmium barley by introgression of a Sukkula-like transposable element. Nature Food, 1: 489–499.
4. Tan J, Tu L, Deng F, Hu H, Nie Y, Zhang X (2013) A genetic and metabolic analysis revealed that cotton fiber cell development was retarded by flavonoid naringenin. Plant Physiology, 162: 86–95
5. Min L, Zhu L, Tu L, Deng F, Yuan D, Zhang X (2013) Cotton GhCKI disrupts normal male reproduction by delaying tapetum programmed cell death via inactivating starch synthase. The Plant Journal, 75: 823–835
6. Tan J, Tu L, Deng F, Wu R, Zhang X (2012) Exogenous jasmonic acid inhibited
cotton fiber elongation. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 31: 599–605
7. Tang W, Tu L, Yang X, Tan J, Deng F, Hao J, Guo K, Lindsey K, Zhang X (2014) The calcium sensor GhCaM7 promotes cotton fiber elongation by modulating reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. New Phytologist, 202: 509–520
8. Hao J, Tu L, Hu H, Tan J, Deng F, Tang W, Nie Y, Zhang X (2012) GbTCP, a cotton TCP transcription factor, confers fibre elongation and root hair development by a complex regulating system. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63: 6267-6281
9. Munis MF, Tu L, Deng F, Tan J, Xu L, Xu S, Long L and Zhang X (2010) A thaumatin-like protein gene involved in cotton fiber secondary cell wall development enhances resistance against Verticillium dahliae and other stresses in transgenic tobacco. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 393: 38–44
七、 学术兼职:
自2013年起担任Plant Biotechnology Journal, Plant Physiology, New Phytologist, Plant Cell & Environment, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Environment International, Industrial Crops and Products, Plant Science等杂志审稿人。
曾任Frontiers in Genetics, Frontiers in Plant Science杂志的客座编委,联合国际专家主持Natural Variations and Genetic Constraints on Plant Nutrition和Micronutrients Movement from Soil to the Grains: Role of Plant Membrane Transporters专栏。
八、 学术相关链接:
ORICD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2577-9001
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fenglin-Deng?ev=hdr_xprf